2012 電影解說簡介: 安全生產作為煤礦企業(yè)的頭等大事使大觀煤礦礦長王家瑞夜不能寐.在狠抓安全生產的同時王家瑞也抵制了民營煤礦的高薪誘惑和妻子盧秀云的勸說,思索著煤炭企業(yè)如何保持可持續(xù)性發(fā)展這一難題. 王家瑞和副礦長葉曉薇力排眾議,決定爭取陳玉亮的無煙煤轉焦加工項目.陳玉亮也在想年輕時沒人看得起自己的大觀煤礦掙足面子,雙方開始了磕磕絆絆.困難重重的合作. 一次次僵持,一次次峰回路轉,無煙煤轉焦項目終于上馬. 此刻,市政府決定在做好煤炭這篇文章的同時開發(fā)得天獨厚的太行山王莽嶺.王家瑞領導下的大觀煤炭集團和陳玉亮聯手,決心給子孫后代打造一張“綠色名片”,他們在旅游資源開發(fā)領域開始一展身手! 被組織調查清楚沒有問題的王家瑞,帶領大觀煤炭集團的干部職工走向了科技興礦的康莊大道.
2024 電影解說簡介: The story is set on Midsummer’s Eve, when the mysterious military unit takes over a peaceful seaside town. All data networks are disrupted, and the region falls silent. The motives and the origin of the enemy remain shrouded in mystery, with the whole of Europe being taken by surprise and under shock. Local residents turn into hostages, including 21-year-old Annika Berg, who is doing her military service. In seconds, her military exercise turns into a real crisis, involving actual casualties. Is this an isolated incident, or the first step to push the world into a new global conflict?
- 8.0 老爸的筒子樓[電影解說]
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- 6.0 鄉(xiāng)戀2009[電影解說]